The Writings of Dan Argent

Month: November 2020

Hawking stories

So the strategy is:

  1. Write a story
  2. Polish it till it’s the best i can
  3. Submit to the top pro market , ordered by response time
  4. Then submit to “tier 2”, and below until it finds it’s natural level.
  5. Repeat
  6. When everyone has refused it, give up.

It seems like there will be an endless chain of submissions, which unsurprisingly takes time to do.

Of course, I have the angst that the editors will start to hate me as they guy who keeps submitting bad or inappropriate work. But it’s called the slushpile for a reason. Part of it is just to keep writing.

Multiple submission

Now, three separate bits of work in the slush piles. Which I consider an achievement, even if all are rejected.

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